Cold Sores - How to Prevent and Treat ThemCold sores are very common and quite contagious. Sometimes referred to as fever blisters, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex1 virus (HSV-1). Learn more about HSV-1 on Herpes Guide.ca. They can appear as a single blister or cluster of them, often recurring in the same location, including on and around your lips, nose, chin or cheeks. Cold sores are often confused with canker sores, but canker sores are actually sores or ulcers that occur inside your mouth, and are not contagious. Causes and TriggersAn estimated 1 in 5 Canadians is affected by cold sores each year, and on average people experience 2 to 3 outbreaks per year. We are usually infected by the virus when we are children, and once the virus enters our bodies it never leaves. Most of the time the virus quietly hides or sleeps in our central nervous system, but certain triggers cause it to "wake up" and cause cold sores. Common triggers include stress, menstruation, sunlight, fever, dry chapped lips, or local skin trauma. How A Cold Sore DevelopsMany people who suffer from cold sores know when one is coming by the distinctive (and often dreaded) tingling or burning, redness, itching or pain they feel around their lips or mouth. This is the first stage of a cold sore and these symptoms are sometimes called prodromal symptoms. This first stage can happen very quickly - from a few hours to a day or two. You might even go to bed without any symptoms and wake up to find you have a cold sore!
TreatmentYou can't cure or prevent cold sores, but you can take steps to reduce how often they occur and shorten the length of an outbreak.Cold sores often clear up without treatment in 7 to 10 days. Early treatment during the initial tingling or burning stage may stop the blister from forming, or help the cold sore heal faster once it has formed. It's good to know that there are certain non-prescription and prescription products that can help, including Abreva, Lipactin, Zovirax, Denavir and Valtrex. Your pharmacist or family doctor can advise you on which treatment is best for you. You can learn more about these treatments at Herpes Guide.ca. PreventionYou can take steps to guard against cold sores - to prevent them from occurring and to prevent the virus from being passed to other parts of your body or to other persons:
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